Tomara you ser sabedor de nada cumo la purmanhana
A pousar sou mirar
Naqueilha bielha reina al medir ua cidade
Cun un alfinete de broixe,
Ou ne ls homes secos que bírun
Zde sues amprouadas Babilónias
Ls çcuidados planetas an sues buoltas,
La muorte de las streilhas adonde la lhuna nace,
I agarrórun sues trabas i fazírun somas;
Tomara you ser sabedor de nada cumo la purmanhana
Que solo eilhi quedou, a abanar la relhuziente carruaije
Porriba ls scuros quartos de ls cabalhos;
Tomara you ser – yá que nanhun coimiento bal ua palha –
Garotico i sabedor de nada cumo la purmanhana.
W. B. Yeats
[The dawn
I would be ignorant as the dawn
That has looked down
On that old queen measuring a town
With the pin of a brooch,
Or on the withered men that saw
From their pedantic Babylon
The careless planets in their courses;
The stars fade out where the moon comes,
And took their tablets and did sums,
I would be ignorant as the dawn
That merely stood, rocking the glittering coach
Above the cloudy shoulders of the horses;
I would be – for no knowledge is worth a straw –
Ignorant and wanton as the dawn.]