Antretenido pula serena nuite
Quando solo la lhuna alta bulhe
I yá ls amantes na cama se drúmen
Cun to ls sous zgustos ne ls braços,
You trabalho a ua lhuç que canta
Nó por glória ou pan
Ou pul çfile ou feira de baidades
Ne ls trabiados de marfil
Mas pulas pequeinhas pagas
De sou mais secreto coraçon.
Nó pa l home argulhoso apartado
De la bulhideira lhuna you scribo
Nestas fuolhas de scuma
Nien pa ls muortos cun perjunçon
Cun sous reissenhores i salmos
Mas pa ls amantes, cun sous braços
Alredror las zgrácias de ls tiempos,
Que paga nun me dan ou lhoubor
Nien quieren saber de miu oufício ou arte.
Dylan Thomas, Collected Poemas
Traduçon de Fracisco Niebro
[an anglés:
In my craft or sullen art
In my craft or sullen artExercised in the still night
When only the moon rages
And the lovers lie abed
With all their griefs in their arms,
I labor by singing light
Not for ambition or bread
Or the strut and trade of charms
On the ivory stages
But for the common wages
Of their most secret heart.
Not for the proud man apart
From the raging moon I write
On these spindrift pages
Nor for the towering dead
With their nightingales and psalms
But for the lovers, their arms
Round the griefs of the ages,
Who pay no praise or wages
Nor heed my craft or art.]